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WILLIAM LEGGE, EARL OF DARTMOUTH, to PRIOR, 21 August/[1 September] 1712, Whitehall

WILLIAM LEGGE, EARL OF DARTMOUTH, to PRIOR, 21 August/[1 September] 1712, Whitehall

Table of contents


    Mr Prior


    Upon the representations have been
    made to her Majesty by sev.l considerable
    Merchants that they are very apprehensive
    the french Privateers may still continue
    their Courses under colour of Commiſsions
    from the Duke of Anjou or Elector of
    Bavaria, and by the same means shelter
    themselves in S.t Sebastians and Newport
    You will acquaint M.r Torcy that her
    Maj.ty hopes effectual care will be taken
    by the Court of France to prevent any
    collusions of that kind, perhaps this
    may be only a Iealousy of Traders,
    whose loſses in the War may have given
    them too much diffidence, however Her
    Maj.ty cannot but shew them that regard
    as to take the best methods she can
    for their security. I have so lately
    written to you that I have nothing now
    to add but the aſsurances that

    I am &.a
