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PRIOR to [?BISHOP JOHN ROBINSON], 24 August/4 September 1712, Paris

PRIOR to [?BISHOP JOHN ROBINSON], 24 August/4 September 1712, Paris

Table of contents


    My Lord.1

    I this day received the Ratification
    of the Cessation, and going
    presently with it to ffountaine­
    ­bleau, I expect a Messenger
    within these 3 days with or­
    ­ders immediately from my
    Ld Bolingbroke, who was not
    arrived in Eng:~ when the Messen­
    ­ger just now arrived here
    was dispatched: I write there­
    ­fore to Eng:~ by the way of
    Utrecht, not knowing but
    that they may receiue this
    sooner than I can write to them
    en Droiture considering that
    I may not haue the Messengr
    as I expect and that the Court's
    being at ffountainebleau
    makes a day's difference in
    the answer: this is the reason
    that I trouble yo:r Excellce
    with the inclosed, desiring
    you to forward it, and ha­
    ­ving nothing to add but
    my being with all respect

    My Lord
    yo:r Excell:ces most obt
    humble Sert



    Letter from M.r
    Prior Sep. 4/Aug: 24. 1712

    The original manuscript lacks an address, but it is preserved among Prior's letters to the Plenipotentiaries at Utrecht. The wording from the salutation to the complimentary close indicates that Prior was writing to only one of them; and we assume that this would have been Bishop Robinson, who held the position of First Plenipotentiary (HMC Portland 5: 504). The PRO copy, SP 105/278: 115v, is labeled "M.r Prior to ye Lords Plenipot:ries".