PRIOR to [THE PLENIPOTENTIARIES AT UTRECHT], [12]/23 October 1712, Paris
Table of contents
Paris Oct:r 23. NS: 1712My Lords
I can make but a very vnequal return to yo:r Ex:ces
for yours of the 11:th since I can only tell you I
received it, and profited of that part of it w:ch
was in letter, as to the other part in Character
thô I haue 2 Cyphers, I find I want a third
to correspond w:th your Exc:ces I know not by
what mistake this happens but haue sent
to Eng: to haue it rectifyed, from whence
I dayly expect a Courrier wth that and
other papers.
The D: of Argile arrived here on Munday,
and on Wendsay (sic) had a private audience of
the King, to whom he delivered a letter fr̃o
her Maj:ty I need no Cypher to tell your
Exc:ces that if the Imperialists in Catalonia
will take the oppertunity offered of being
transported into Italy by our fleet, the Duke
has orders to let them be accordingly em
barked, and Sr I: Iennings to transport
them, and from Versailles and Madrid they
shall find no opposition, but on the con
trary all friendly offices in their embark
ment and voyage.
The D: went from hence yesterday, for Toulon
where 2 English Ships of War are ready to
carry him to Port Mahun.
I am glad to tell yor Excell:cies that a point
I haue had with the Ministry here [...]1
concerning the Nomination of the Princes to
succeed to the Crown of France in virtue of
the Renonciation is adjusted in the manner
We desired, and I haue accordingly sent
that part of the Act thus agreed to Eng:
and haue acquainted Ld Lexington with
my so doing, that His Lordsp may act in
conformity, I haue likewise transmitted
to him the letters I haue received fr̃o
the Ld Bishop of Bristol.
A Gentleman who is to regulate and
adjust the Article of Commerce wth
Spain is wth Me in order to his being
dispatched to Madrid, by him I write
at large to Ld Lexington.
The Queen has thought it for her service
to do Me a great honour in sending
Me the Credentials and Powers of
Her Plenipotentiary Minister. I
am in all qualities w:th great respect
My Lords
Yo:r Excell:cies most obt &
most humble SertMPrior.
I haue a Cypher to correspond wth Ld
Lexington, if Yo:r Excellcies try
that wch You haue to the same effect
I hope at last We shall vnderstand
Each other; I begg you will giue Me a
Proof of it by the Next post.
Letter of Mr Prior to Ld Privy Seal and
Lord Strafford at Utrecht from Paris dated
23. Octob. 1712